Tutorial: How to Use This Theme

Using this theme is very easy!

If you want to know the how this website was created, simply have a look at this link: https://fae-tools.notion.site/Demo-Linktreeish-df4079c4dad34d35b3fd3bfb027a68a6

Table of Contents

Activating This Theme

In order to activate this theme, simply type theme-linktreeish in the Themes field of your site configuration.

Linktreeish site configuration

Creating The Home Page

The most important page is the home page since the point of this theme is to direct people to it.

Adding an Image

If you’d like to have an image on your home page, simply type /image while editing your home page and upload it. It will be shown in a circle like the home page of this demo site.

Creating the Header

We will automatically generate a header for you at the top. If you don’t like to have it, at the top, simply use the shortcode:

{{< header >}}

This can be very useful if you’d like to render the header after the image.

Finally, you can create the links like this:

{{< links >}}

- [{{< icon "tools" >}}Fae Tools{{< /icon >}}](https://faetools.com/)
- [A link without an icon](https://faetools.com/site)
- [{{< icon "graduation-cap" >}}Fae Site Tutorial{{< /icon >}}](https://faetools.com/faesite-tutorial)

{{< /links >}}

In your editor, the above Markdown code will look like this:

Links as bullet points

Note that you can also link to other pages you have created.


Have a look at how the home page of this demo site was created: https://fae-tools.notion.site/Home-523b8253f9c84b34bd69395494abe919

In order to add social media links to your footer, simply add your social media to the site configuration:

Linktreeish site configuration

The footer will then look like this:

Social media icons example


That’s it! Please let us know if you run into any issues activating and setting up this theme.